Off to Byron Bay, Oz’s own mystic centre. But as it’s not a small drive we scoured the map for places to stay in between. And came up with Arrawarra. Lovely place. A bit up market with a snooty camp manageress, but the whole kit, with private beach, private pool and spa, and loads of public kangaroos feeding on people’s lawns, much to their nnoyance. On the way there we stopped of at Gaol Bay. (Loads of bays, not all of them so penile, if that’s the right word!
Gaol Bay is interesting. First they kept run of the mill convicts there – your Rooney types, then they kept loads of Germans there during ww1. Not sure how many were captured and how many were simply interned for being of German offspring during the war. Anyway, internship was no hardship as the cells were kept unlocked and the prisoners could spend all day on the beach as long as they were back by 6.00. After that they amused themselves with amateur dramatics, bit of sport, etc. Penal system’s never been the same since.
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