6th January
Rotorua isn’t called Sulphur City for nothing. It bubbles, smells and hisses with the pungent stuff all over town. It’s almost like sticking a main shopping street on top of a live volcano. The problem with these geysers is that they are not just geothermal sources, they are also sources of income. They all cost money, but that money goes back into the land.
One really interesting place to see is Hells Gate. A Maori owned Geothermal park that spits and oozes boiling mud everywhere. It got its name from George Bernard Shaw who decided that this must be what hell really looks like. Pia treated herself to “rejuvenating, whitening face cream” so now she looks like Michael Jackson.
Dining out: Lattes (or Lahteys) are big, but the lunches are three times bigger. To say New Zealand is a growing population would be an understatement (Björn Hellberg fat people spotting paradise).
Food at the garages isn't the normal Swedish "cup of tea" You caneven buy the world famous battered MArs BArs here. Yum
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