13 Jan
Just off early in the morning and a Kiwi actually disappeared in front of our eyes. (It must have been coming home after night shift). On the road south we went to the seal colony at Cape Foul Wind (yes, it was blowing). Saw lots of pups and smelled the seals in a big way.
Went on to Charleston, an old gold mining town where we had one of our lives funniest adventures. “Blackwater rafting”.
We took a home-made train through a rainforest that was the background for BBC’s Lost World series. Then it was on with your wetsuit, stick your tractor inner tube into your arm, float across the river and venture into the cave.
We walked through many of the cave’s chambers, looking at fossils and formations on the way that were absolutely fascinating. Then we came to the water. We hopped into our inner tubes, linked feet, switched off our lamps (Pitch black in the cave) and gazed wondrously at the thousands of glow worms attached to the ceiling.
We rafted out then did the white water thing to the starting point on the river
Check out www.caverafting.com then go into the date and check out the PM photos.
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